7 Quintessential Things You Shouldn't Needlessly Economize on ...

Jelena Nov 22, 2022

7 Quintessential Things You Shouldn't Needlessly Economize on ...
7 Quintessential Things You Shouldn't Needlessly Economize on ...

There are Things You Shouldn’t Economize On despite your tight budget, or the ever-present “save, save, save” hype. Yes, you can still save and you can actually save a lot without having to give up a few crucial things, things that, in the bottom line, aren’t that expensive, especially if our satisfaction is taken into account. Now, can you guess what are the things you should not economize on? Well, no need to and I won’t keep you guessing for much longer so, before you start cutting down on random beauty and fashion supplies, consult this list of things you shouldn’t economize on and make sure none of them ends up on your “to go” list:

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1. Jeans

If you are student/schoolgirl or your job doesn’t require you to dress a certain way, you certainly understand the importance of jeans and know why jeans are one of those things you should not economize on. But, let me guess – you have at least 5 pairs from which you wear only 2 because those are the only ones that fit you perfectly. Right? Well, fit and quality are actually the only 2 things that matter because jeans are a neutral piece of wardrobe so investing all of your money into buying two pairs that will fit great and last long is actually better than buying 5 cheap ones. Cheap jeans are made from low quality denim that tears and fades easily, seams are often sloppy and on some you can even notice the obvious difference in leg width, length or both! The math is pretty simple here – whether you opt for quantity or quality you will be spending a similar amount of money so the choice basically comes down to this: do you want diversity that won’t exit your closet or prefer to stick with the basics you’ll wear often?

2. Classic Wardrobe

Timeless white shirt, a blazer that goes great with everything, a winter coat that keeps you warm and looks so fabulous you sometimes wish you didn’t have to take it off – those are the things you should not economize on because they are meant to last and can be accessorized in so many wonderfully creative ways! I once made a mistake of buying a cheap white shirt that kept shrinking and shrinking after every wash! Seriously, it was ridiculous – two washes (by hand!) and it went from standard Medium to a toddler size 10! Learn from my mistakes, ladies because well made classic pieces will last you years, you will wash them, wear them, then wash them some more and they will always look brand new!

3. Skincare Products

Healthy, nurtured skin doesn’t require special concealers, miraculous foundations, radical treatments or invasive plastic surgeries which means that something that might be considered as splurging right now, actually is budgeting in the long run! So, if you’re in a position where you have to reevaluate your makeup bag and, hopefully, find something to cut, I’d suggest staying away from your crèmes and making the cuts on something you can replace with no consequences like expensive nail polishes, expensive lipsticks you rarely use and other decorative cosmetics that cost quite a bit, is rarely or never used and isn’t a part of your basic, impossible-to-survive-without kit.

4. Winter Everyday Boots

If you know what hard winter looks like and if you have experienced all the “wonders” of rainy, bone-freezing autumns then you know a good pair of boots a is non-negotiable category! Fashion boots are something completely different; a luxury we could all live without but waterproof, stylish boots you can wear, tear and still look fabulous, now they certainly are one of the few very important things you should not economize on! I have a pair of those and I’ve been wearing them for the last 5 years! I would have changed them after three but, ladies, would you believe me if I told you that I CAN’T find anything at least as half as good to replace them with? Well made boots that will keep your legs dry and warm are more important than trendy new whatever, not only because every outfit looks much better when worn with good quality footwear or because you’re getting something you can rely on for more than one season but also because we, women, must take very good care of our reproductive organs and you certainly remember what grandma used to say – keep your feet warm, child, because everything starts from there!

5. Education

Education is also one of those things you shouldn’t economize on, especially if your choices are some of the following: spending your money on clothes/outings/vacations/new car V.S spending your money on a course in languages/course in accounting/online university or any other learning program. Why? Well, let me put it this way – a fish right now sounds great when you’re hungry but learning to fish actually pays off much more in the long run. You might have to deny yourself a few luxuries along the way but you’ll get something priceless in return and let’s not forget that having all these skills and practical knowledge means you can apply for better, higher paying jobs that will enable you to afford all these afore mentioned luxuries.

6. Good Haircut

Nobody ever complains about having bad dress days, bad shoe days or bad brow days but every single woman on this world (and probably a very high percentage of men) has had at least one bad hair day! In fact, when you’re having a bad hair day you could be wearing an outfit that looks like it has been handpicked by Patricia Field herself and still feel like something the cat dragged in! But, let me mention extreme makeover TV shows as well, because I’m sure you’ve noticed how different the contestants look after their hairstyle gets changed. The truth is that hair really matters a lot and while good hairstyle can glam-up your entire style, a bad one could certainly make even the most expensive clothes seem cheap. After all, hair cut is not something you have to do every day or even every month and, since getting a bad one could mean months of constant bad hair days, tension and low self esteem, I suggest giving up something you can afford to give up!

7. Health

You should visit your dentist, your gynecologist and do your blood, urine, Papa tests even if your health care plan doesn’t cover for it because health is one thing you can’t afford to lose regardless of how rich you might be. It’s one of the rare things money can’t buy if that is gone (knock on wood) the only thing you can do is wonder what could have happened if you did things differently. I won’t go into discussing this any further because there really isn’t anything do discuss – health comes first! And here’s an interesting piece of into you’d probably want to know – take good care of your teeth and do everything you can to keep as many of them as you can (almost any tooth can be fixed these days) because they actually prevent your mouth and jaw from deforming!

What are the things you should not economize on, things you would not economize on regardless of the situation? Would you agree quality in any form is one of the things people…we…me and you should not economize on? And, like Coco Chanel once said – best things in life are free, second best are very expensive! So invest your effort into the quality of your relationships with friends, lovers and family and, then invest your money into quality pieces and services you’ll always be 100% satisfied with!

Top Photo Credit: Images_of_Money

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