23 Useful Infographics to Help Your Career ...


23 Useful Infographics to Help Your Career ...
23 Useful Infographics to Help Your Career ...

If you're looking for some ways to kick-start your career this year then you will love these career infographics. Whether you're starting out in your new career, thinking of which career to go into or looking to make some changes in your career, these career infographics are sure to help.

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Personality Types

Personality Types If you're thinking about choosing a career or changing career then this is one of the great career infographics out there. See if the job you're looking to go into or indeed the job you have, fits with your personality type. It's not an exact science but it's interesting never-the-less!
Source: uk.businessinsider.com



Productivity Looking for ways to be more productive? Have a look at this infographic for some top tips.
Source: entrepreneur.com



Positivity If you find that you're a bit of a negative Nancy at work and you want to transform into a positive Paula, have a look at these ways to boost your positivity at work.
Source: bitrebels.com


Interview Attire

Interview Attire If you have an interview on the horizon then have a look at this infographic for tips on what to wear and what to avoid.
Source: pure-jobs.com


Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs What better person to inspire you than the late and great Steve Jobs. Have a look at some of his words of wisdom.

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Presentations If you have a presentation coming up then you might be interested in these body language tips for presentations.
Source: entrepreneur.com


Perfect Power Points

Perfect Power Points We've all sat through power-point presentations where we have secretly wished for the sweet release of death. Well, ensure that you don't inflict that on anyone else by having a look at some ways to make your presentations less of a snooze-fest.
Source: aha-now.com



Leaders This is a great infographic for leaders and shows you how you can refocus a team.
Source: anethicalisland.wordpress.com


Goal Setting

Goal Setting New year, new you and new goals. Have a look at this goal-setting infographic to help you achieve the goals you set this year.
Source: graphs.net


First-Time Managers

First-Time Managers If you have just got that management position you have been striving towards, congratulations! Have a look at some of these leadership tips for first-time managers.
Source: profilesasiapacific.com


Steps to Success

Steps to Success If you're wondering why you're not as successful as you think you should be then have a look at this infographic to see whether there is something you could modify about your outlook or behavior.
Source: bitrebels.com


Career Path

Career Path If you can't decide which career path to follow then have a look at this infographic to see how to follow the career path of your dreams.
Source: theundercoverrecruiter.com



Weekends I found this Forbes infographic really interesting as it shows what successful people do at weekends. Do you do any of these things at the weekend?


Business Attire

Business Attire Obviously what you wear depends on where you work and your personal style. It's safe to say that businesses require their employees to look professional and smart. This doesn't have to mean dull and dreary though and there are some ways to add a little of your personality to otherwise boring business attire. Add a little color and simple accessories to show your personality but that you also mean business.
Source: businessinsider.com


Skills Wise

Skills Wise Want to know what skills you will need in the world of work in the future? Have a look at this infographic.
Source: bostinno.streetwise.co



Entrepreneur If you're a budding entrepreneur then you will be interested in some of the traits you should possess.
Source: brandongaille.com


Clear Communication

Clear Communication Whether you're dealing with clients or colleagues, these tips for clear communication will help in the work place and beyond.
Source: mentalhealth-station.com


Work Smarter Not Harder

Work Smarter Not Harder We have all heard that at some point or another. Getting the job done well doesn't mean you have to sacrifice everything else. Here are some tips to work smarter and not harder.
Source: bitrebels.com


Interview Tips

Interview Tips Here are some top tips for that next interview.
Source: self.com


Horrible Bosses

Horrible Bosses If you're a boss then you might be interested in some of the traits of horrible bosses although I'm sure you're not guilty of any of these!
Source: huffingtonpost.com



Indispensable Want to know how to be indispensable at work? This tells you exactly what to do.
Source: catherinescareercorner.com



LinkedIn LinkedIn is a great networking platform and this infographic shows you how to ensure your profile really stands out.
Source: lifehack.org


Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Should I Stay or Should I Go? Deciding whether or not to leave your job can be the most difficult decision you make. People will advise but ultimately if you're unhappy, you know deep inside what you need to do. This infographic should help you make a decision too.

There are so many interesting infographics and these are just a few of them. Which is your favorite?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

The men in the office i work in speak to me in such a crude manner im sick to death off it and dont know what to do. Uts a really sore subject for me because a past relationship that was very abusive. I always stand my ground and tell them to stop, im getting anxiety attacks because of it but dont want to come across weak or petty. What do i do!?

This article was fantastic!!! Helps so much!

This is excellent

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