10 Ways to save Money by Being Frugal ...

Neecey Apr 14, 2021

10 Ways to save Money by Being Frugal ...
10 Ways to save Money by Being Frugal ...

Do you need some new ways to save money? These days, it’s cool to be more frugal. Shopping at charity stores is acceptable, buying a bottle of wine at the store and having dinner at home is fine, and saving your heard-earned cash instead of spending it on cocktails, designer threads and decedent dinners is bang on trend. Here are 10 Ways to Save Money by Being Frugal ; you’ll just get more bang for your buck.

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1. Embrace Vintage

One of the most decadent ways to save money by being frugal is to shop for vintage clothes. Second-hand, vintage and retro clothes are in fashion and inexpensive. Browse through charity shops, where you’ll find lots of vintage threads. You’ll find one-of-a-kind pieces for a fraction of the cost of the expensive vintage-look clothes in retail shops. You’re an internet shopaholic? Embrace ebay and etsy. Go through your parents’ wardrobes too – you might find some fantastic threads from the 60s, 70s and 80s for free!

2. Make Your Coffee at Home

That large cappuccino you pick up each morning on your way to work might only be a few dollars, but when you’re buying it every morning, the cost adds up! There are electric filter, stovetop, percolator and heaps of other inexpensive do-it-yourself coffee-makers on the market. Why not buy a nice blend of coffee from the supermarket and make your own each morning with a lashing of your favorite creamy milk. You will save money and if you buy a reusable coffee cup you can make your coffee before you leave the house and enjoy it on your way to work, without the inconvenience of lining up in the morning rush. Save the store-bought espresso for the weekend, when you can sit down and relax in a café.

3. Start a Garden to Be More Frugal

Groceries can be expensive these days, especially fresh herbs and vegetables. A great way to save money by being frugal is to buy some seeds or seedlings and plant vegetables in your garden. Not only will you be encouraged to get out into your back garden more often, you will be blessed with delicious home produce in the ensuing months, that won’t cost a cent! If you’re not up to starting a whole garden just yet, start with herbs on the windowsill. You can pick them whenever you want fresh herbs in your food, without having to buy a whole bunch from the store.

4. Don’t Throw out Your Clothes, DIY!

Before you throw all of your old clothes away and buy new threads, stop and think of how you can update your old favorites. Do-it-yourself transformations are easier than you think. Get out the scissors, sewing machine, needle and thread and fabric dyes and get creative with your old threads. Replace old buttons with new, fashionable ones and repair the little holes in your jumper. Once you revamp your old clothes, you’ll want to wear them again and again!

5. Buy Products in Bulk to save Money by Being Frugal

Look for bulk products of shopping items that you buy regularly. Products like toilet paper, shampoo, shower gel, soap and laundry powder, canned food, pasta and rice can all be bought in bulk, for a much cheaper price. Plus, you know you’ll never run out when you least expect it!

6. Invite Your Friends to Your Home

Instead of eating out at restaurants and hitting the clubs on your weekends, try inviting your friends to your house for dinner or drinks instead. It’s a great way to save money by being frugal, while still socializing as much as you like. If you ask your guests to bring some food or something to drink, you’ll save even more by sharing the costs around.

7. Choose Low-cost Brands

You don’t need to sacrifice your favorite brand of chocolate to be more frugal. You’ll still want to enjoy life’s little luxuries! But there are lots of supermarket items that come in cheaper, basic brands that use the same ingredients but will cost you less. You may find that a lot of these products are just as good, just less expensive!

8. End Your Gym Membership and Exercise outside

When you’re trying to save money by being frugal, a great way is to let your gym membership expire, stop paying a personal trainer, and opt for other ways of exercising that don’t cost a cent. Go for a walk or a run outside, incorporate exercise into your everyday routine by walking to and from work and meet your friends for an outdoor sports session or game.

9. Car Pool

Think of all that money you spend on petrol when you drive yourself around each day. Car pooling is an easy way to save money by being more frugal and, you gain added benefits of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and being more social when you ride with your friends.

10. Save on Power Bills

You don’t have to sacrifice having the fan on in summertime, or the electric blanket in winter – changing just a few habits around the house will save you money on your electricity bill. Turn appliances off at the power point so they are not using power on standby and turn off lights and heaters when you leave the room. A few home repairs, like fixing leaking taps and draught-proofing your windows and doors will see you saving substantial amounts on your power bill.

These are ways that I found helped me to be more frugal, but there are many others. Sure, I have changed my life, but I have definitely not made any real sacrifices. Those are just 10 Ways to Save Money by Being Frugal without compromising your lifestyle. What are the tricks that you use to be more frugal?

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