The Rules for Designing a Winning Resume ...


The Rules for Designing a Winning  Resume ...
The Rules for Designing a Winning  Resume ...

Jobseekers looking to make the maximum impact with their resume will know that content is king. You are seeking to impress potential employers with your skills and ability, so a simple layout for your resume is all that’s required. And if you’re sticking to something that’s easy to read, choose a nice, clear and conservative font to use such as Arial or Times New Roman.

However, anyone looking to work in an industry more focused on design or creativity – perhaps in graphic or web design – will be looking to create a wow factor with their resume that makes recruiters sit up and take notice.

Remember, human resources personnel and recruiters typically spend no more than 30 seconds glancing at a resume so if you can create a resume that’s out of the ordinary, it’s the perfect opportunity to seize attention and demonstrate your talent from the start.

So where do you start? Here's how to design a winning resume.

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Who Are You Sending Your Resume to?

As with everything geared to finding you the job you want, think first about your audience. Who will see this CV? What do you want them to take from it, not just visually on first viewing but from the content? In effect, you are placing your entire portfolio on a single page and asking to be judged. It’s a big risk but if you have confidence in your talent and ability, it’s almost certainly a risk worth taking.


Decide on the Format

The same rules that apply to a simple resume format also apply to one that has more flair, color or art – only include what is relevant to the role you’re applying for. If you’re as good as you believe you are, you will get the opportunity in an interview to expand on your experience and skills.


How Long Should Your Resume Be?

Do try to keep the resume to a single page – it will almost certainly have a much greater impact.


Think about the Visual Impact

And when it comes to impact, you might be tempted to continue adding dramatic flourishes that you think underline what a serious artistic talent you are. In reality, you are likely to be over-designing your CV to such an extent that it becomes almost impossible to read or decipher, so stick to a couple of artistic touches that you do well and ensure they are perfect in the finished product.



Do ensure that your resume is readable. Designers often choose dramatic and dark backgrounds to show off fonts but often when printed, the text is impossible to see so print regularly to ensure you’re not making that mistake.

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Check It before Sending

Do show trusted friends or colleagues your ideas before committing to sending the resume off – not only can they offer a fresh eye or advice on design, they can also proofread the product and ensure it is error-free, grammatically and in spelling.

A well-designed resume can be the perfect showcase of your talent so grab the opportunity to demonstrate your skill.

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