This is How Smart Girls Earn Extra Cash ...


This is How Smart  Girls Earn Extra Cash ...
This is How Smart  Girls Earn Extra Cash ...

I really dislike how the internet is filled with easy ways to make money, simply because it isn’t easy. Even selling on eBay isn’t a breeze. If it was that easy, most of us wouldn’t even bother to read this article. That being said, it can be done. You can make extra money BUT you have to be prepared to make the effort. There are no miracle handouts here but I have a list of potentials and opportunities you can consider.

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Write Make the most of all of your life experience by submitting and getting paid for lifestyle or beauty guest posts online. There are literally thousands of sites that you can contact to see if they are looking for new writers!


Graphic Design

Graphic Design If you are the kind of girl who is really gifted in the arts, then why not make the most of this by doing a little freelance graphic design work. There are sites online that offer great money for logo designs and other small designs.


Develop an App

Develop an App Have you come up with a really great idea for an app that up to now has not been created by anybody? Get to work on learning the skills to develop it for yourself; good money can be made!



Much of our lives on social media are taken up by taking and sharing photographs of your day to day happenings. If you have a knack for particularly professional looking snaps, then why not try to sell them on something like



Calligraphy If you have been blessed with exceptional handwriting skills, there is a market for custom calligraphy work that you can get involved with. You can even think about offering your services to local wedding planners.

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Murals If you are a gifted painter, the market for custom murals is a popular one right now across the web. Whether it’s painting something for a child’s bedroom or for a living room wall, there is definitely money to be made!


Officiate Weddings

Officiate Weddings More and more people are getting married in less traditional ways these days, and you could start a cool side business where you are the officiating figure for unconventional weddings!



Babysitting It’s an oldie but it’s still a goodie! Parents will pay top dollar for a babysitter that they can trust, so make yourself indispensable to your neighborhood!


Selling Crafts

Selling Crafts The explosion in popularity of sites like Etsy mean that it is easier than ever before to sell your own arts and crafts to people across the world.



Jewelry If you have an eye for trends and contemporary fashion, then why not try your hand at designing and creating handmade jewelry items to sell.


Seasonal Crafts

Seasonal Crafts Go all out for different holidays like Valentine’s Day, Halloween, Christmas etc. to design and manufacture cool craft items that people will love.



EBook Thanks to the Amazon Kindle, it is now easier than ever to writer your own novel or short story and have it published on the service. You might have a hit on your hands!


Help Guide

Help Guide If fiction isn’t your thing, then you might want to consider publishing a helpful guide about something you are an expert at; it could be related to your professional life or your lifestyle or a hobby.


Online Course

Online Course If you have a special skill set like computers or creative writing, you can make the most of your talents by looking in to teaching an online course for a fee.



Tutor Put your school years to use by offering your services as a tutor for whichever subject you excelled at during high school or college.



Tutorials You can make money by posting tutorials for things like perfect makeup routines on a site like YouTube. The more hits you get, the more revenue you make!


Adult Education

Adult Education Check your local listings and see if there are any vacancies for people to teach classes. If you can speak a foreign language, it is always a potential gateway to making some money through teaching.


Fitness Instructor

Fitness Instructor If fitness and healthy living is a passion of yours, then it makes sense to offer your services to those who are also trying to get on the weight loss or muscle building train!


Focus Groups

Focus Groups With a few quick Google searches you can find plenty of sites that are willing to pay you for participating in focus groups for things like new products and advertisements.


Medical Means

Medical Means There is cash available for people who do things like donate their plasma, and if you are committed to the medical side of things you can make serious money for doing something like donating an egg.

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Thank you

It is

Great ideas!


Hi girls, I'm a highschool student and want to earn from home however I've tried many sites but they only grant opportunities to US residents. It would be amazing if anyone helped out

#21 does NOT APPLY in Canada, as donation sites such as the Red Cross DO NOT PAY for donating plasma, or sperm or eggs.

How can I @someone on here to talk? Any help is great


What about Uber? That's a good way to make money

Can you give different sites that pays online tutorial

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